Here at Wellington Church one of the reasons we exist is to Prepare Believers. Even as our Lord served, so we are called to serve. We desire to see the whole body serving each other and their community in ways that demonstrate their transformed lives. To this end, we aim to teach and counsel that every member of the body would be equipped to serve Christ in a way that the whole church is edified (Ephesians 4:11–16).
One of the primary ways we do this is by offering Care Groups. These groups consist of small groups of believers here at Wellington and are designed to prepare us as believers to grow in our walk with Christ and to please the Lord in everything. Practically we do this by loving one another, serving one another, admonishing one another, and bearing one another’s burdens. We encourage all our families to be involved in a care group.
Care groups often meet in someone's home during the week and involve the entire family. We eat together, prayer together, fellowship together, and study together.
Progressive Sanctification: As we meet it is the desire of each group to grow in Christ. In some groups it may be done through book studies, video studies, reading scripture together or studying a particular book of the bible. These studies are to invite discussion and challenge us as we grow together.
Mutual Care: This is where we get the name Care Groups from. Within these smaller groups of believers here at Wellington we can care for each other on a greater scale. Some of those ways that you may be cared for is through prayer, encouragement, admonishment, love, serving, and then at times when needed bearing one another’s burdens. The focus of Care Groups is to come to alongside each other, so that we grow in grace together.
Fellowship: Many of the care groups enjoy snacks or dinner together prior to their meeting. Other ways we want to increase fellowship are men and women get togethers, doing activities together, serving in an outreach together, watching a game together or even hosting a particular event at the church. The point is to do this together as the body of Christ and not just on Sunday mornings.
The Holy Spirit: Within the Care Groups it allows those in the group to exercise the gifts of the Spirit that have been granted to them. Whether it is the gift of teaching, administration, serving, or encouragement, this is a great way to use your gifts for the church.
One of the primary ways we do this is by offering Care Groups. These groups consist of small groups of believers here at Wellington and are designed to prepare us as believers to grow in our walk with Christ and to please the Lord in everything. Practically we do this by loving one another, serving one another, admonishing one another, and bearing one another’s burdens. We encourage all our families to be involved in a care group.
Care groups often meet in someone's home during the week and involve the entire family. We eat together, prayer together, fellowship together, and study together.
Progressive Sanctification: As we meet it is the desire of each group to grow in Christ. In some groups it may be done through book studies, video studies, reading scripture together or studying a particular book of the bible. These studies are to invite discussion and challenge us as we grow together.
Mutual Care: This is where we get the name Care Groups from. Within these smaller groups of believers here at Wellington we can care for each other on a greater scale. Some of those ways that you may be cared for is through prayer, encouragement, admonishment, love, serving, and then at times when needed bearing one another’s burdens. The focus of Care Groups is to come to alongside each other, so that we grow in grace together.
Fellowship: Many of the care groups enjoy snacks or dinner together prior to their meeting. Other ways we want to increase fellowship are men and women get togethers, doing activities together, serving in an outreach together, watching a game together or even hosting a particular event at the church. The point is to do this together as the body of Christ and not just on Sunday mornings.
The Holy Spirit: Within the Care Groups it allows those in the group to exercise the gifts of the Spirit that have been granted to them. Whether it is the gift of teaching, administration, serving, or encouragement, this is a great way to use your gifts for the church.